About this form
You can use this form to apply for approval to undertake minor filming or still photography (non-commercial) within the City of Canada Bay. If your project does not meet the criteria below, please complete the Film Production and Photography Application.

Minor activities are defined by the following criteria:

- No more than a total of approximately 10 personnel, volunteers or crew will be on-site in total
- No disruption is caused to the City's stakeholders, retailers or motorist or other events in the vicinity of the activities - Activities are contained to footpaths or public open space areas only
- Public safety is maintained at the locations at all times during the conduct of the activities
- Vehicles associated with the conduct of the activities are legally parked at all times and are not driven onto footways, parks or plaza areas.

For further information or questions regarding this form, please contact Council via 9911 6555.

Applicant Details

Production information

Location details and Filming details

Please include from and until timing for date/s
Please include period for set up and pack down

Required documentation

Min 20,000,000

Applicant declaration

I will abide by the film makers code of conduct.I will abide by Council's terms and conditions.I confirm that the details given are true and correct.In signing this form I acknowledge that I have read and accepted the  ‘Filming Hire Conditions’ .

Draw signature|Type signatureClear