For further information about applying for a waste service or waste charges please contact Resource Recovery and Waste Team by calling 9911 6555 or email    


All properties classified Commercial in Council’s rating system can elect to have a Council or private company waste collection service. Council offers the equivalent of its residential bin service to commercial properties with the exclusion of the kerbside bulk household collection.

While Council’s commercial property waste collection service operates 5 days a week, (Mon-Fri) properties will only be serviced once a week.  The servicing day will align with the residential collection zone of the area your property is located within.

Waste, recycling and garden organics services are available with the following collection frequencies:

  • Waste, collected weekly, red lidded bin in 120L, 240L, 660L or 1100L size

  • Recycling, collected fortnightly, yellow lidded bin available in 240L, 660L or 1100L size

  • Garden Organics (optional), collected fortnightly (alternate week to recycling), green lidded bin available in 240L size.

Applying for a Council Waste Service

The service is available for a fee by completing the attached application form.  The service charge is applied to the property’s rate assessment notice. The application form must be completed in full, signed by the property owner and property’s rate assessment number must be included.  If the property is leased, contact the real estate agent for this information and check whether they are authorised to sign the form on behalf of the owner.

If you already have a waste collection service and want to increase, decrease or cancel your service the attached application form must also be completed.

For any of the following:

  • Details of your collection day or week

  • To arrange repair/replacement of damaged or stolen bins

  • To report missed services

  • Details regarding which materials are accepted in which bin

Download the ‘City of Canada Bay Waste Info’ app (available in your app store) or Contact Council’s Waste Hotline on 1300 551 659 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm.

Property and Contact Details

Property ID is provided on your rates notice (Must be provided for application to be processed).

Current and required service

Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Please write N/A if not applicable
Including any existing bins
Please refer to pricing listed below
Please refer to pricing listed below

All charges for bins will be billed ‘pro rata’ on the owner’s rate assessment notice.  This means if the requested service is only utilised for part of the year, charges will only be applied for the proportion of the year that the service is utilised.  Bins are delivered within 5-7 working days of receipt of your application form by Council.

All waste collection services charges are GST exempt.

Commercial Standard 1 x 120L Waste + 1 x 240L Recycling $592.50 / year
Commercial Large 1 x 240L Waste + 1 x 240L Recycling $1090 / year
Commercial Large ECO 1 x 240L Waste + 2 x 240L Recycling $1174.50 / year
Commercial 660L 1 x 660L Waste + 1 X 660L Recycling $1648.50 / year
Commercial 1100L 1 x 1100L Waste + 1 x 1100L Recycling $2598 / year
Commercial Waste Extra 1 x 240L Waste Bin (weekly) $1072 / year
Commercial Recycling Extra 240L 1 x Extra 240L Recycling Bin (fortnightly) $163 / year
Commercial Recycling Extra 660L 1 x 660L Recycling Bin (fortnightly) $432 / year
Commercial Recycling Extra 1100L 1 x 1100L Recycling Bin (fortnightly) $598 / year
Commerical Garden Extra 1 x 240L Garden Organics Bin (fortnightly) $183 / year      
Commercial Waste Extra 660L 1x 660L Waste Bin (weekly) $1538 / year
Commercial Waste Extra 1100L 1 x 1100L Waste Bin (weekly) $2424 / year


  • I understand that Council will debit the total cost of this service to my rate assessment notice. Charges are applied pro-rata from when the service commences.

  • I understand that this application form must be lodged with a minimum two weeks’ notice each time a change or cancellation of service is required.

  • I understand that where bins are damaged or stolen, it is the responsibility of the user to contact the Waste Hotline on 1300 551 659 to have them replaced or repaired.

  • I understand that bins are to be presented on the kerbside for servicing no earlier than the night before the scheduled collection day and returned to private property as soon as possible on the day of servicing. Bins must be stored entirely within the property’s boundaries in between servicing.

  • I understand that recycling bins must not be contaminated with non-complying materials.

  • I understand that lids must remain shut for public health and safety reasons. Bins must not be overfilled.

  • I understand that Council has the right to withdraw the waste service if the account falls into arrears, bins are being used which are not being paid for, or bins are not being utilised according to the above conditions.

  • I declare that all information supplied in this application form is true and correct.

  • I declare I have the authority to sign this application form, which will alter the Waste Management Charge on the owners rating notice for the abovementioned property.

Important: Owners/property managers must submit the form because waste charges are added to the owner's rate notice. Business managers can fill out the form online, save it, email it to themselves, and then forward the email to the owner/property manager for their signature and submission. Please note: the owner may pass on the waste service cost to the business through the lease agreement.

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