S.138, ROADS ACT 1993
Important note:
This application is
Part 2 of the process, in order to receive consent you must have received consent for your preliminary vehicular crossing. If you have not submitted the application for the preliminary vehicular crossing, please refer to the Driveways section of Council's
You are advised to visit Council’s website and familiarise yourself with the driveway works process and construction specifications prior to the lodgement of this application.
For an example of a Driveway Construction, see Council's
plan of a typical driveway.
Consent issued for the construction of a vehicular crossing includes consent for a Road Opening Permit for vehicular crossing works only. However, any other works within the road reserve will require a separate application for a Road Opening Permit.
Applications may take up to fourteen (14) business days for processing after payment of application fees.
Fees for this application are as per Council's
Fees & Charges.
For further information or questions regarding this form, please contact Council via 9911 6555.
*Please be advised that Council Inspectors will not be performing any further inspections for 2024. Inspections will commence in the new year from Thursday, 9 January 2025.